Enjoying life abroad

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🔗숲사이(soopsci)는 '사단법인 변화를 꿈꾸는 과학기술인 네트워크(ESC)'에서 운영하는 과학기술인 커뮤니티입니다.

The most huge advantage of living abroad is being exposed to new cuisines. I love visiting Mideast, African, Chinese, and any kind of global food grocery store. Last weekend, I visited Chinese grocery store, "the great wall". There are a lot of funny things in the market, especially Chinese food products that have Korean label. Sometimes, a little bit weird but I Love the unusual grammars and expressions. And I think it indicates the close relation in trade and business between Korea and China. I hope that someone recommends really good malaxiangguo sauce for me. :). 

(Looks very reliable)

(Pepsi LIVE?)

(Wanna try everything here)

(Hmmmmmmmmmm..the color of..kimchi..and flavors from Hawaii??ㅡㅅㅡ)

(It seems he is the most popular star in China.)

(Never seen this melona in Korea. Even the taste of this is not melon..how it can be melona? )

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이용약관  |  개인정보처리방침  |  공지

(04768)  서울특별시 성동구 뚝섬로1나길 5, S732

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