Disadvantages of studying in Korea

Unnamed students
조회수 1317

🔗숲사이(soopsci)는 '사단법인 변화를 꿈꾸는 과학기술인 네트워크(ESC)'에서 운영하는 과학기술인 커뮤니티입니다.

I've been writing about my frustrations and pain points while studying abroad in Korea. 

Research facilities in Korea are good. However, education courses at University are low quality, and often not in English soprofessors ask foreign students to leave. 

Living in Korea as foreigner is very difficult due to social and cultural differences.The university does not provide any help for foreign students to adjust and understand life in Korea. 

In fact, Universityofficials in charge of international students only view foreign students as a responsibility/burden and only threaten andcomplain about foreign students, instead of providing any help. Additionally, living cost is rising too high, while thescholarship salary is remained same for 6 years. 

The scholarship stipend is barely enough to survive after paying tuition,health insurance, and rent. Foreign students do not have equal access to scholarship programs like Korean students, becauseall scholarship programs are only available to Korean nationals. 

So the laboratory scholarship gap is very big betweenforeign and Korean students. Finally, the 2021 National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) law that make D-Visa students paymandatory health insurance is too high. Foreign students must pay 150,000 KRW every month for health insurance, or we arethreatened to lose the visa. It is too costly, and I never visit the hospital at all.

* This was submitted as an essay response to an international student survey.

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